March 24, 2005

Running the Race

Oh my goodness. A whole month has gone by.

Yesterday, while talking to my best friend, I realized that I'm embarking on an emotional journey to another country. For some unknown reason, other than God's gentle leading, I am going somewhere I've never been before; somewhere unfamiliar. I'm going there to learn about my surroundings; to learn how they will affect me; to learn how I need to adapt to live fruitfully and joyfully in this new place. I am going to get lost in the streets of this place, and be alone alot of the time. It shouldn't really be a surprise. My friends are being called by God to leave this place and journey to the next stop in their lives following God's will. I am being called to stay here and journey to the next stop in my life in learning how to love and how to immerse myself in God. Life is the same; big or small, tangible or intangible, physical or spiritual.

God is gracious when He reminds us that we've gone way off course. I went to a beautiful funeral today for a woman who loved God with all her heart and sought after Him until she got to see Him face to face. I didn't know her, but something about her life touched me in such a way that my heart ached. The big picture is that we're on earth to seek God, to love people, to run the race to the finish and to do it in a way that leaves people wanting a double portion of whatever we had. The big picture in my life is that I fumble around trying to find my way without immersing myself in the Word of God; I rely on myself more than on what He says or the way He is. I just don't get it sometimes. I forget it sometimes. But I still feel a thirst for knowing God's word, and I feel that when I learn things like this, I want to know more. When satan comes at me with a lie, I will know the truth. When my focus is on the wrong thing, I will know where it needs to be.

I've really been enthralled with Matthew lately. I like getting to know Jesus, but I like it the most because certain things stand out to me that didn't used to before. Jesus knew how to get past games and answer what people were really asking. He knew how to relate the kingdom of God to every situation He faced. But mostly, He was gentle and He says "I want to heal you..." and "Let me teach you..." and that I just can't refuse.

Blessed be Your name.
When the world's all as it should be.
Blessed be Your name.


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